We are delighted to announce that two new books written by founding members of Moonwired have been published: Emergencia de la luz, a book of poems by Yolanda Rivera Castillo, and The Pinch of the Crab and other stories by Barbara Southard
Emergencia de la Luz
Yolanda’s collection of poems, set in Puerto Rico in the recent epoch of disasters, both natural and of our own creation, is available at Librería La Esquina in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico and also at Libros787 in Santurce. It can be order online from Libros787 at the following link:

For more information about the author and her work, including sample poems, please explore the following link: https://demoliendohoteleslit.com/2022/07/27/tres-poemas-de-yolanda-rivera-castillo/
Here are some words of appreciation for this extraordinary book:
Esta colección de poemas, Emergencia de la luz, capta la oscuridad de nuestra condición humana en esta época de desastres, tanto naturales como de nuestra propria creación, pero también representa cómo forzamos nuestros ojos para penetrar más allá de las gruesas capas de nubes para descubrir chispas de luz. La elección de las palabras de la autora es innovadora, empujando los límites del uso convencional, para maximizar el impacto emocional, permitiendo que la poesía brille, convirtiendo las aguas turgentes y de movimiento lento en rápidos que llevan a los lectores por una ruta de belleza singular. Bárbara Southard
Traducción al inglés:
This collection of poems, Emergencia de la luz, captures the darkness of our human condition in this epoch of natural and human-created disasters, but also depicts how we strain our eyes to penetrate beyond the thick layers of clouds to discover sparks of light. The choice of words is innovative, pushing the boundaries of conventional usage, to maximize emotional impact, allowing the poetry to shimmer, turning turgid, slow-moving waters into rapids that carry the reader down a road of singular beauty.
The Pinch of the Crab and other stories
Barbara’s collection of ten short stories set in Puerto Rico was published in 2021 by Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas. The book received a highly favorable review from Carmen Dolores Hernandez, a leading literary critic, in El Nuevo Dia.
The book is available in paperback from Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas and Libreria Laberinto https://ppeditoresebooks.com/products/the-pinch-of-the-crab
Digital copies are available from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Pinch.../dp/B09SGX4YN5/ref=sr_1_

Here is the review by Carmen Dolores Hernández as it appeared in El Nuevo Día, February 13, 2022, and the English translation of the review (published with permission).